Globe with spheres of all the air and water on Earth
These spheres represent all of the water (left) and air (right) we share on Earth

A vision of change

Changing things sounds simple enough but we all know if it was we’d already be doing it. Truth is we face much resistance & that’s ok, we got this. The ideas & technologies already exist, we just need to clear a path for them to become used. This space is for infinite possibilities to be shared, evaluated & actualized.
Consider for a moment how differently the world would feel & look if everyone had free & open access to basic necessities. Food, shelter, clothing, health care & spiritual freedom. How many people might stop choosing addiction & violence?
Imagine if instead of owning a water ski boat you just check one out at the lake, like a library book? It’s run off alcohol fuel & maintained by professional mechanics, you just get to enjoy it. Sound nice? So…what keeps things the way they are? I say it’s us, we are the machines that make up the systems in place. Without us doing things the way we do, the system won’t work. As soon as we stop, it stops.
Fear of the unknown & fear of losing control are the hurdles standing before us. We’re finally, collectively, waking up to the fact that we don’t have a choice if we wish to survive. Not choosing to face our fears of the unknown, not being willing to loose our sense of control, is choosing to end our planet for our children & future generations.
The first step is acknowledging the things that must stop immediately & adopting guidelines for acceptable solutions that are regionally adaptable to fulfill local needs. Imminent domain has been used to shift ownership from people to government or other corporations in the past, why can’t we use it to shift things again?
The top military spending country on our planet (USA) could accomplish the mission of feeding & sheltering the entire world, within 3 years time. Who would the USA need to protect themselves from if that’s the role we played in the world? How many people would be lining up to put on suicide vests!? Every piece of equipment, from drones to pickup trucks to aircraft carriers belong to the US people doesn’t it?
We don’t want our resources being used these ways anymore. We want everyone to have access to healthy organic food, clean water & safe homes. The way to stop the wars going on all over is to create abundance for all. This can be done from anywhere & the more of us putting it out in the world the better things will become.
From the place we are today we can only understand things certain ways. The things we experience from & learn about the world around us give us context to help define & relate with life. Our contexts can change in an instant as hurricanes, tsunamis & asteroids show us. We are more than capable of adapting to new ways of living & it’s time we start intentionally doing so while we still can.
We can all decide to strike or protest (whatever you want to call it) & stop the machinery. But without suitable replacement systems & organization things will get desperate pretty quickly. We need to be able to create abundant food, housing & energy in a scalable way to meet any level of demand. That's what we’re here to do! is building a framework to support regional sustainability alliances and community infrastructure to accomplish this goal. Jefferson Regional Alliance is the pilot project & will focus on the region known as the State of Jefferson (an area of Northern California & Southern Oregon, USA) to meet it’s local needs in sustainable ways.
As we expand to other parts of the world some projects may be easier to implement than they will be in the USA & some will be harder. We have to find a way though, no matter what it takes. Working together we can accomplish anything we choose to.
The presence of deeply rooted systems of control & manipulation in major countries around the world will need to be addressed & in some cases it won’t be possible through conventional (existing) means. A problem cannot be solved from within the context of the problem.
We need to come together & connect around what we all agree on, the way things are being done doesn’t work.
You’re invited to join the discussion & be part of the change however you can. We all have something important to contribute, always! You are important & your voice matters! You deserve to be happy & healthy! We all deserve peace, prosperity & harmony with our natural world. We’re all part of the same family (Team Earth) & we’re only as strong as our weakest link. Lets come together and be a strong, healthy people of Earth! Now! Now! Now! Become a member here.

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What We Do

Lovegrowing provides a platform for collaborative sustainability projects that can be organized any way the community needs. Leveraging the power of shared community resources empowers people to actively change their community practices from a grassroots level. Lovegrowings web portal is a site that will support the restoration of damaged ecosystems and the shifting from unacceptable practices to those which benefit the greater good of all lifeforms.
Lovegrowings portal serves as an incubator for much more than just projects, it will spawn entire new industries. New technologies and systems for living will come with a need for new infrastructure as well as people to maintain it. As new technologies emerge the need for skilled technicians for maintenance and operations will create new education fields for students and new job options for laborers.
So many great ideas are floating around and many make it to patents or other levels of manifestation, only to find something keeping them from actually being implemented. Some corporation owns the rights, or a patent holder refuses to allow the use of their design for open source technology projects and they just stop there. Is there really a way to get around all the hurdles? And even if there is wont it mean becoming the target of countless lawsuits, or attacks from governments or other organizations claiming jurisdiction? Many hurdles on the path to a sustainable planet are quite formidable however necessity is a powerful driving force for change. As we are all understanding, change is necessary and organizing will allow us to accomplish what needs to be done.
Check out the portal and get involved. You will be able to create your own user account to add your unique content, become a contributor or editor, share and discuss ideas in forums and if there is an idea you have for something you'd like to see or be able to do you can submit suggestions. Show others what you've been working on and take some time to immerse yourself in new perspectives. You can help nurture and grow this site if you have the skills and the passion. You can share it on social media so we can grow. Be the change today!