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The vision for Lovegrowing is one I've held for almost 20 years now. Creating a platform to launch an armada of dreams out into a world that needs them. As the years have gone by I would be working on it but always felt like I wasn't ready to actually launch. I always needed something more and wouldn't ever really let myself feel like I was actually doing anything because it wasn't all together. That's not a formula for happiness!

What's changed now, that has me feeling so happy? Me! I started looking for the things to appreciate and they'd actually been there all along. I have had some catching up to do with pats on the back and I'm enjoying doing it as much as I can. Another big step has been letting go of the feeling of needing to have it all figured out. It's amazing how much I've been able to get done after taking all that weight off my shoulders. Turns out having it there was just a way I could feel safe and avoid taking the risk of starting and maybe falling on my face. 

Looking good, or at least avoiding looking bad was a major driving force in my life until I became aware of it and really changed up some things in my thinking and believing. I never would have been ready. Well, ready or not, here I come! Lovegrowing is open to anyone from now on.

I've always visioned Lovegrowing coming to life and being self sufficient as it grows and evolves into whatever it needs to be. My joy is coming from the progress I've made on the structure to hold space for Lovegrowing. Over the years I've built web platforms and web stores multiple times but never really put anything out there other than just testing the waters. I was always afraid if it blew up & started becoming active I'd mess it all up. 

Today I'm so grateful for all those times I practiced setting up a web store or configuring software for weeks on end without really knowing how it was going to be used. I taught myself using Google searches, Youtube videos, forums and whatever else I needed to and I'd eventually figure it out. They all made this time so much easier and because of those experiences I have enough understanding to be able to administrate it.Chad & Mt M from TR shrunk.png

If it's not growing it's dying and I'm excited for the growth happening. I look forward to connecting with new visionaries like you to learn what you're passions are. Everyone bringing their gems to the table are going to make this a mighty, strong organization. If you feel called to contribute directly please reach out and we can explore and create the perfect role for you in a dynamic way that supports and empowers you as you grow and change. Only win-win's allowed!

The store doesn't have much in it yet, it's being slowly added to and we'd love for you to contribute if you have anything you'd like to sell on it (original art, photography, used items, new products or services.) There are some guidelines and I'll be posting them soon but for now reach out and we'll work out an agreement and see how it goes. Lovegrowing is committed to financial transparency and once established will be guided by a board and membership voting to make operational decisions. For now it's just me.

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January 2, 2024 • 11:56PM

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