Take a moment to open your imagination and vision what is possible.

Beginning with excavation of the footprint for the thermal mass, a series of clay pipes will be inlaid underneath & through side walls according to design plans. Steel culverts of various sizes are also inserted through foundation & walls of mass during construction. Collectively these pipes will facilitate various heat exchanges of fluids, gases or solids passed through the thermal mass. Allowing energy to be transferred into & out of the mass via different methods.The input system will consist of multiple solar concentration units that provide direct thermal energy to the mass. Mounted atop thermal mass & using tracking system they will heat an exchange during daylight hours. Some units will be nearby on top of other structures and feed heat collected directly to the mass or use the heat directly to create electricity that can be directly applied to thermal mass. Exchange can directly drive steam generators to produce electricity.

A transformer bank (collected from recycled appliances) & a series of electrode housings, along with repurposed electrodes will create an electric heating element to convert electrical energy into thermal energy within the thermal mass. 

A series of burners, created from metal pipe inserted into various exchange pipes will be used to burn hydrogen, methane, syn-gas or anything else to add heat as needed. Water & other fluids pumping through exchange pipes will be diverted to drive steam turbines & pull heat from system as needed. Air will be vented through exchange pipes and used for baking & drying operations. 

A series of oven chambers, varying in size & functionality, are constructed into the outer walls of the thermal mass. Multiple exchange components allows for system temperature regulation. Direct mechanical drive shafts, thermal energy, electricity & compressed air are available for direct industrial use. The production center will accommodate many uses in highly efficient ways. 

Attached to the ovens is a processing center that can allow for any type of processing for food grade products. Efficient, creatively designed tools & equipment will support everything from slicing & packaging bread loaves, to preparing frozen meals with complex packaging needs.

A manufacturing area will house distillation equipment & processing areas for agricultural materials.

Vegetable plastics & advanced sustainable packaging, storage & handling items will be produced here. Glass & clay production & others will be accomplished in one area with all heating components connected to thermal mass.

Recycled HDPE plastic manufacturing turns locally collected materials into high regionally demanded products. This will allow us to meet demands as we develop alternatives to petroleum based plastics. Facilities are on a slope & partially underground to provide insulation, safety (in case of accident or malfunction) & to allow gravity based material handling systems. 

A metalwork & foundry is constructed to partially attach to thermal mass & allow for smelting & pouring of various metals. Piping, brackets, hardware, beams, copper kettles, cable & other materials will begin to be produced from collected scraps. Smelting will be done in multiple crucibles of different sizes, using solar concentration unit & electrodes to melt steal & other metals. 

A series of rectangular pads are excavated with dirt mounded on both sides to create berm walls which will be covered with reinforcing web of agriculture fabric & then a layer of foam-create. Underneath, the structure will be cabled & anchored. The tanks will house aquatic life & will serve as anchors for wind power generation systems built overhead. A number of low cost tower designs will be constructed & tested. Several different collection methods will be tested from lighter than air paddle wheel designs that will stay perfectly perpendicular to the ground even in high winds, to long extension lines of parachutes, mounted high in the air, powering a flywheel, each collapsing at the end of it’s path & quickly retracting. Elevated arrays, held up with hydrogen & hot air balloons will allow for small & medium scale systems to be used in many more places than those limited to near ground level winds. 

The research & design center will consist of an elaborate system of sensors all around the facilities to monitor every aspect of design & production systems. In addition to standard strength/load testing of all produced materials, testing of new designs will include ongoing monitoring of all components. The attaching & mounting hardware used will be thoroughly tested & monitored. All new designs will have safety systems incorporated on anything larger than miniature testing models to ensure safety of workers & property. New safety system development & testing will be ongoing. Results will be published through education our center. Various research goals are cooperatively completed, allowing many contributors like classrooms or schools & small businesses to actively participate in different research projects for any lengths of time desired. 

We will also house new projects proposed by the community, allowing teachers & classes or other groups to custom design research projects using the many resources & energy available. 

The wind towers & cables will double as vertical gardening systems & allow for testing a variety of techniques to use currently unused vertical spaces to produce different crops. Bio-char, animal feeds, alcohol fuel, food & industrially useful plant products will be produced utilizing overhead areas. 

Our research & development team will create the systems to provide scaling solutions for all designs to be flexible for many different applications. We will accomplish all this by working together with many people who each will bring their passion to the table. If you've made it this far and you believe it's possible, you're invited to join us in bringing this vision to life now.

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